Mashable reports that Barbie has joined Foursquare as a "celebrity Foursquare user."
Barbie, as a celebrity Foursquare user, will be using the service to fashion location-based scavenger hunts as she travels across the U.S to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York on her summer vacay. She’ll also be using Twitter (Twitter) to tweet out text, photo and video clues.
That Twitter account, incidentally, is @BarbieStyle. Now I've heard a rumor that Barbie doesn't write her own tweets, but whoever does write them is careful to stay in character:
Oh. My. Gosh. Now if only @foursquare offered more pink badges...
And there's not only the Foursquare and Twitter stuff. Mashable notes that Mattel even has a street team. Wow, street teams have certainly come a long way from their origins.
Now I'm sure that there are some people that are decrying all of this and complaining that Foursquare is now a commercial ghetto and uncool and that corporations should be banned. But I can't sympathize; after all, Foursquare has to pay for its servers somehow.
Although I have to admit that I'm not like totally stoked about Barbie on Foursquare. I guess I'm waiting for G.I. Joe to join Foursquare. Now THAT would be a TOTALLY AWESOME scavenger hunt.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago