The hashtag #D2R stands for "December to Remember," and it certainly will be a December to remember for Seth Burroughs, Elizabeth Robblee, and Ben Byers. This is the month they lost their jobs after a number of indiscreet tweets that they issued from their workplace - their workplace being the Washington, DC office of U.S. Congressman Rick Larsen of the state of Washington. Here's how the Seattle Times described the tweets:
The Twitter feeds were filled with comments about watching Nirvana videos on taxpayers' dime, swigging "Jack" behind desks and other depictions of congressional staffers behaving badly....
One tweet from @TheRocketship1, the handle for Burroughs, read: "I'm pretty sure I couldn't pass a field sobriety test right now. Looking forward to a day in the office."
On Dec. 1, Robblee asked Burroughs, "were you just drinking jack and coffee during your meeting?"
Many of the tweets over the last few days (since deleted) were devoted to antics in the staffers' December to Remember, and included the hashtag #D2R.
Unfortunately for the congressman, the tweets didn't start on December 1.
On July 21, Burroughs tweeted: "Dear taxpayers — I hope you don't mind that I'm watching YouTube clips of Nirvana at my government job. Thanks, you're the best."
Hey, at least Nirvana was a local band, so Seth Burroughs was promoting the local economy.
But if you add it up, the staffers had been issuing inappropriate tweets on the job for over four months.
If you're a boss, what are your co-workers tweeting about YOU and about your workplace? It appears that #D2R is spreading like wildfire. Look at this incriminating tweet from @EdHillDC:
I'm drinking diet coke and working on veterans bill for my boss. #D2R
Well, I'm going to go beyond @EdHillDC's reckless behavior. When I draft the proposal transmittal letter this morning, I'm going to drink a mochaccino! And I've been writing about that little drink for years...
P.S. Seth Burroughs will probably be updating his LinkedIn profile soon.
As will Ben Byers. Perhaps DeLaurenti Specialty Food and Wine is hiring.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago