The idea came from a friend from the India Broadband Forum. He suggested that we needed a classifieds section where people can offer stuff without the hassles of third party involvement. You have something spare you want to get rid of, put it here and probably you will find someone in your locality interested in it. Cannot find a non-popular book or a CD, maybe request about it here.
We do not guarantee that you will find solutions or actual buyer/sellers but things happen. Who knows you will find like minded people around your place and it end up benefiting you in a larger prospective. We just provide the medium to get things working. We need you to make it a success!
A laudable idea, and I praise the person or people for setting up the site.
However, from looking at the ads themselves, it appears that was stuck with not-so-robust software for people to compose the ads themselves. Or perhaps the software is customizable, but didn't know how to do it.
I'll have more to say about this particular ad in a future post, but one of the advertisers in had to shoehorn an ad into a U.S. based format. Here's the first part of the ad itself:
Navnitlal & sons is the leader in Paints and Pipe business since 1978, we are the wholesalers of all types of paint,primer,cement,galvanised and black pipe and all types of pipe fittings,we are the master for home decor and maintanance services, we ahve more than 32 years of experience in these business, there is only one point for property painting solution this call PPS, now you can join in PPS programme by subcribe for quaterly, half yearly or yearly with nominal cost...
If you're in India and want a superior property painting solution, by the way, go to
So anyways, the fine folks at Navnitlal had to list their address on tradeshade. What U.S. state did they choose as their location?

Indiana, of course.