Back in the olden days, and even today, a person can get another person to attest, or "certify," that the first person is knowledgeable in a particular disciplines, such as blacksmithing or nuclear engineering. But there are billions of people in the world today, so new methods of certification have arisen. In some cases, an undergraduate or graduate college or university degree can serve as a certification, but sometimes additional certification is required.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) currently offers four professional certification programs:
* Certified Biometrics Professional (CBP): The IEEE CBP sets the standardized baseline of knowledge in the biometrics industry. The individuals who pass the IEEE CBP examination are prepared to demonstrate that they have the level of proficiency needed to perform in a competent and effective manner.
* Certified Software Development Associate (CSDA): The CSDA credential is intended for graduating software engineers and entry-level software professionals and serves to bridge the gap between your educational experience and real-world work requirements. The CSDA is the first step towards becoming a Certified Software Development Professional CSDP).
* Certified Software Development Professional (CSDP): The CSDP credential is intended for mid-career software development professionals that want to confirm their proficiency of standard software development practices and advance in their careers.
* Wireless Communication Engineering Technologies (WCET):The WCET helps wireless professionals get recognized as having the required knowledge, skill, and ability to meet today and tomorrow's wireless challenges.
But is an IEEE certification - or any certification - worth it? It really depends on your individual sitaution, as the variety of responses in this thread demonstrate.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago