Imagine if, during a time of war, determined groups from two countries mounted an illegal border crossing endeavor. Would the perpetrators be sent to Gitmo...or would the endeavor be recognized at the next Rotary Club meeting?
Here's a story from Ontario (not the one in California, but the one in Canada). These are the words that were written on a plaque southwest of Neebing:
The first bridge across the Pigeon River was opened near here on August 18, 1917. In the previous year the government of Ontario had completed a road from Port Arthur to link up with one which the state of Minnesota had earlier constructed from Duluth. Since no provision for a bridge had been made, the Rotary Clubs of Port Arthur-Fort William and Duluth collected funds and materials to construct one and bore the greater part of the cost. The bridge, erected without any formal international agreement, was therefore locally named "The Outlaw". This route soon became a popular tourist road, thus greatly benefitting the Lakehead area. The original wooden bridge was replaced in 1930.
For more information, read a Minnesota account. According to Wikipedia, the Rotary Clubs were surprised when an Ontario government official appeared at the grand opening - and agreed to pay for the bridge.
Oh, and the plaque that I quoted from above? It was stolen a few years ago. Maybe the so-called "juice" sellers are covering up the illegal activity.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
4 years ago