Because it's Thanksgiving, it's time for the Empoprise-BI business blog to provide its public service, yet again.
By Photo by M. Rehemtulla -, CC BY 2.0, Link
This question was posted regarding a Whirlpool Electric Control Board:
The display screen for the oven will not work. It beeps when you touch any function. You can not set a temperature or any of the oven functions. The clock works but the rest of the screen reads enter probe temp or remove probe. We do not have the probe plugged in. ?????
Hey, that sounds like a serious control board problem, and the person who answered the question treated it as such.
Joe, In most cases this issue will be caused by a faulty control board. In some instances it is the harness to the jack causing the problem but will most likely be the control that needs replaced.
But before you replace that faulty control board, consider this similar question that I wrote about in 2016.
Dacor Oven model ECS2275 PRB - probe is flashing and beeping. I was wiping down the oven with a damp (not wet) sponge and PRB started flashing and beeping on the display. How do I turn this off?
The respondent didn't talk about replacing any control boards.
Power the unit off and take and airduster can and blow out the probe port really good and then power the oven back on it should clear.
Blow out the probe port? C'mon, that's silly. How could something like that fix a serious sounding error message?
Well, in some cases (2013), it's not moisture, but...past moisture.
The jacks will tend to corrode and create resistance between terminals after many years causing just the symptoms you are seeing. The correct way to solve the problem would be to replace the probe jack part#8186589 , or you can try and unplug the jack from the harness.
Similar advice was given in 2012:
Our oven had problems right out of the box. The temperature probe messed up the entire cooking selections. Every setting wanted the probe inserted, so we had the repairman fix the probe connection.
And I can go on and on - 2011, earlier in 2011, 2010, and by now you may be wondering how the Empoprise-BI business blog got to be the expert on remove probe messages on ovens.
Well, it wasn't easy. I ran into the same problem myself in 2009.
On Friday morning, something started beeping in the kitchen. Since there are several items in the kitchen with beep capability, it took me a while to isolate the beep. It turned out that our KitchenAid oven was telling us to either enter a temperature, or remove the temperature probe.
Unfortunately, we had not inserted a temperature probe into our oven.
Using my well-honed customer support skills, I proceeded to press every "stop" or "off" button on the oven control panel. This only caused it to beep more. Reluctantly, I realized that I would have to reboot the oven...but since the oven plug was inaccessible, I would have to reboot the house (via the fuse box).
But before I did this, I figured I'd look at the KitchenAid manual to see what help it offered for this situation. It offered none.
As I was waiting for the dishwasher to finish so that I could reboot the house, the problem cleared itself up.
Then I started reading a thread.
We had the repairman out...of course, our oven started working before he made it out. But he said the probe hole can get moisture in it and cause the oven to not work until it evaporates. Which sorta explains why several of us had it start working again. It looks like several people also had it happen Christmas, probably with lots of stuff in the oven for a long time, creating lots of moisture.
In that same thread.
I took my blow dryer and blew air toward the probe for a few minutes then tried the oven again. It turned on but the icon on the front changed to 'push probe in'. I did then re-pushed the start button to 450 and it worked!
So there you have it. Your problem may just be moisture.
See you in 2019 (if Blogger still exists next year).
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago