Friday, July 31, 2015

So a link to this post will appear on WHICH Twitter account?

I have a long history with Twitter.

Back in September 2007, when my primary social media presence was under the pseudonym Ontario Emperor, I established the Twitter account @oemperor.

By May 2008, when I started to establish blogs under my own name under the brand Empoprises, I established a second Twitter account, @empoprises.

As I mothballed the last of the Ontario Emperor online properties and permanently switched to Empoprises, that first account was used less and less, and the second account became my Twitter interface to the world.

Until now.

As I just explained in a series of tweets, I now have two Twitter accounts - @empoprises for Empoprises stuff, and the new @johnebredehoft for - well, for John E. Bredehoft stuff.

If you don't follow either of my Twitter accounts, this is what I said.

This story won't fit into 140 character. Back in September 2007, I set up my first Twitter account - @oemperor

In May 2008, I set up a new Twitter account - @empoprises - in connection with my Empoprises blogging empire (currently 5 blogs)

Lately that account has become a mixture of Empoprises and non-Empoprises stuff, so today I set up the new @johnebredehoft account.

If you're interested in general business, music, the Inland Empire, NTN Buzztime, or time, go to @empoprises

For other stuff, go to @johnebredehoft - Note that neither account necessarily represents the views of my employer MorphoTrak

But in the future, you're more likely to find security, forensics, public safety, and biometrics stuff on the @johnebredehoft account

Or something. Like anything, it's all iterative. Perhaps I'll can all three accounts and tweet as a slug in September.

(But not next week. Stuff is going on.)

And I'll leave it right there for now.