I receive a free subscription to a magazine, and my latest copy of the magazine included this text on the cover - in red, no less:
Unless You Renew Now
To prevent your subscription from being cancelled,
you must renew by April 27, 2012
Renew now at [website redacted]
...Or you will be replaced by another IT professional.
Demand is high!
This might sound familiar to long-time readers of this blog. Back on June 16, 2011, I received a similar message from the same magazine:
Unless You Renew Now
To prevent your subscription from being cancelled,
you must renew by July 1, 2011
Renew now at [website redacted]
...Or you will be replaced by another IT professional.
Demand is high!
A few months later, in September 2011, I provided an update:
[A] couple of months later, that magazine called and asked to qualify my renewal information. The call was surprisingly short; I told them that I had changed jobs and no longer qualified, and the person thanked me.
If you believe the bright red text that I saw back in June, this meant that the person would immediately release my indefensible hold on the qualified magazine subscription, much to the joy of a qualified IT professional who would now receive the magazine in my place. After all,
Demand is high!
But obviously that didn't happen.
But again, there are stories more humorous than mine. Remember the woman whose husband's subscription to Muscle Car magazine expired several years ago, but they're still getting the magazine? Well, there are even more stories of people who don't get charged for magazines but still keep getting them. Here's my favorite:
I received a gift sub for a computer (I'm in IT!) mag, and then bought a few other mags as gifts when it was time for renewal, and also a motorcycle rag for me.
I then received a free sub to a powerboat mag.
Which "qualified" me for a wooden boat mag sub. This one I liked!
These then qualified me for Cosmo, then BHG.
After some time my computer, both boat and the motorcycle mags expired, but I started getting some young female fashion rags I never heard of.
I ended with a couple years of a teen scene thing.
I knew they were all related to the first sub because of the wrong middle initial.
It was just odd getting happy happy joy joy little sappy girl paparazzi crap.
I did NOT know the Hanson Brothers drummer was a boy until then.
What can you say? Mmm-BOP!
(Incidentally, Hanson's Google+ page is here. And I wrote about Hanson last October in my Empoprise-MU music blog.)
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago