There are all sorts of games that you can play to make a conference more interesting. While I wasn't enamored with the whole marketing free thing, I had better feelings about unconferences, although when I presented at a 2008 unconference myself I had to be a, agile about the presentation title.
Around that time (specifically, in 2006), a new parlor game came along called Ignite.
Imagine that you’re in front of an audience made up of your friends, family, and people from your community, about to present a 5-minute talk on the thing you’re most passionate about. You’ve brought 20 slides, which advance every 15 seconds whether you’re ready or not. You have a few last-minute butterflies, but off you go—and the crowd loves it. Welcome to Ignite.
Nine years later, Ignite has either entered the mainstream or jumped the shark - take your pick. The Association of Proposal Management Professionals included eight Ignite presentations in its 2015 conference, and plans to include ten in its 2016 conference.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago